Many aspects of positive thinking covered in the Vaccine-50 Book : Sukhpreet Kalra

Vinay Express Book Review, Australia.When we see the index of the book, we can notice many interesting topics and they seem like popular quotations. After going through the whole index, it is very easy to conclude that many features, associated with positive thinking, have been covered in the book. The book starts with making people understand the value of their small but important contribution in many social causes, including the containment of the infection of covid-19 virus. Some chapters of the book try to explain the value of “Thinking with optimism” rather than getting sad and making the things worse. The book has been written in lucid language and the flow of ideas is simple yet impactful. Some of the stories have great punch-lines and the message is conveyed with quite good force. The story of two sons in the 2nd chapter is really very catchy and the same can be used in any situation to explain the benefits of keeping positive thoughts in mind. The last phrase, used by the son with a positive mindset, actually lays a very strong foundation of positive thinking -”when horse dung is here, I am sure that horse is around too.” The son was not disturbed at the sight and the smell of the horse dung, rather he was curious to discover the horse. In our lives, we normally miss this orientation and keep on cribbing on petty incidents in our life. In the process, we lose many potential happy moments of life.

There is a chapter on empathy in the book and the story explained in that chapter is very emotional and it also advises everybody to be careful while living their lives for enjoyment, as sometimes our Joy can be a source of permanent sorrows for others. it has been rightly pointed out that we are normally not very empathetic to others and we hardly put our resources to solve the problems, placed by others. It is an irony that when we ourselves need people to help us, we start blaming the selfish word for not coming forward to help us in the hour of need. The situation has been rightly correlated with the spread of infection of the Corona virus and it has been pointed out that sometimes an asymptomatic patient can infect many vulnerable people, If he has no empathy for others.

Naveen Jain : Writer – Vaccines-50
