Vinay Express News, Jaipur. Ayurveda Minister Dr Raghu Sharma said that post-COVID centre will be opened at all the district Ayurveda Hospitals. Experts will treat the patients who have turned negative from corona positive in these centres through Homeopathic, Ayurvedic and Unani medical systems.
The Ayurveda Minister was addressing the department advisory committee of Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, Yoga and Naturopathy departments at Swasthya Bhawan on Tuesday. He said that looking to the huge potential of medico tourism in the State, 20 such places have been identified in Rajasthan where there is maximum movement of tourists. He said that Yoga centre with state-of-the-art-facilities will be opened at these places in PPP mode.

Dr Sharma said that the entire world believed with the Ayush system during the corona period. While no medical treatment was discovered in any medical system, positive results started coming from Ayurveda medical system. He said that the Government is committed for conservation and promotion of Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani medical systems and is working for its betterment. Development of Ayurveda and Indian Systems of Medicine was discussed in detail and guidelines were given in the meeting.
The Ayurveda Minister directed to draw a framework to develop Botanical Gardens at 17 places across the State. It was instructed to develop these Botanical Gardens with the help of farmers and by deploying Dravyaguna science experts at these places. He suggested developing these gardens in public private partnership (PPP) mode. He directed to plant 10 types of medicinal plants at each Ayush hospital with emphasis on planting guggal, tulsi, giloy, ashwagandha, arjun and other plants.
Dr Sharma also directed to publish a booklet of major Ayurveda medicines with explanation in detail. National Institute of Ayurveda former director Professor Mahesh Chandra Sharma has taken the responsibility to prepare this booklet.
On this occasion, increasing the role of Ayurveda and Indian System of Medicine Department in ‘Nirogi Rajasthan’ campaign and making it as a pubic movement; developing Ayurveda Medical Centres as Health and Wellness Centres; promoting cultivation of medical plants; strengthening laboratories operated under the department; Panchkarma Centre at Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur to be developed as Centre for Excellence; to take action in reconstitution of Rajasthan Yoga and Naturopathy Board; to take action on the recruitment on vacant posts under the department; sending supplemental proposal through National Health Mission to the Government of India for increasing honorarium of Ayush contract doctors and nurse compounders and other such subjects were discussed in detail and necessary guidelines was given.

Special Officer Manohar Parek informed about the department wise progress through power point presentation. Poster on Sanjeevni Post-COVID Care unit made by Madan Mohan Malviya Government Ayurveda College, Udaipur was released in the meeting. College Professor Mahesh Dixit was present during the release of the poster.
Ayurveda Department secretary Rajendra Prasad Chaturvedi, Ayurveda Department director Seema Sharma, National Institute of Ayurveda former director Prof. Ved Prakash Sharma, Mahesh Chandra Sharma, former president CCIM Ved Prakash Tyagi, Ayurveda University Jodhpur Vice Chancellor Prof Abhimanyu Kumar Singh, Naturopathy Dr Shiv Kumar Sharma, Dr Trilok Sharma and other officers were present.